Brothers Inc.
Eagles Club Charity Bandfest - 2006

Thanks again for the Eagles Club and all those who came out to raise money for Cancer Research!

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We got the band together (again)!

A typical Eagles crowd.

Sometimes people walk in front of the camera ... it happens.

I know this is blurry, but I think the lighting makes this picture kind of cool.

Kevin really, really, really enjoying the bass.

Is Kerry singing or talking on his cell phone?

Nice guitar Bruce. Ugly shirt.

Sometimes Kevin watches the door when he plays bass.

Brian is just a crooner at heart. Can't you tell?

Brian on vox.

OK. Sometimes Kevin and I shoot each other really goofy looks, and I think it takes a lot of guts for me to put such a silly looking picture of myself out there for you to see.

Kerry still keeping the beat while talking on his cell phone.

I'm not falling down, I'm hitting a power chord.

Playing music is cool.

Brian had to play his backup guitar (the Ibanez Rocket Roll II) which has passed back and forth between us a few times. It looks good. It rocks. Why did I sell it back to him?