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January 2002

After 37 years of wandering around the North American continent, I decided to find out what things were like on a different land mass. Toward that end, I skillfully convinced my boss to send me to the United Kingdom for a business trip (woo-hoo!). My business was conducted in Slough (not the most enticing locale), but I had the good fortune of staying in Stratford-upon-Avon (at the beautiful Alveston Manor), so I could commute with my friend and colleague David Watts. This afforded me the opportunity to spend my evenings sauntering around Shakespeare's old haunts before taking dinner and a pint in pubs older than the US. It was simply wonderful.

England, Stratford, and the people were all generous and kind hosts. I had been warned about the food, but it wasn't bad at all. In fact, most of it was quite good. The people were warm and friendly, and the countryside was picturesque. I can only wonder what it must look like when it isn't raining/foggy (which is primarily how I saw it). David and his wife Les were particularly kind to their guest from the States. They answered all of my questions patiently, even the stupid ones, and they provided a tasty English dinner (followed by good conversation). I am in their debt.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take many pictures while there. As noted above, the weather was generally foggy and/or rainy, and I usually didn't return from work until dark (it was a business trip, after all). The only photographic evidence that I was there is the above picture of me standing in front of Shakespeare's birthplace and this picture someone snapped of a friend and I in Windsor.

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