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Niagara Falls
July 2002

When I was a child, I visited Niagara Falls with my family. I remember two things about this trip: 1) we lost my grandparents on the way there (they were following us); and 2) Niagara Falls was crowded, dirty, and filled to the brim with touristy things. So I was feeling some reservations when Jeanne suggested a visit to Niagara, less than four hours east of our humble abode.

I'm happy to report that this time around nobody got lost. Sadly, though, Niagara still has more gawdy tourist fare than anyplace this side of Disney. It's really quite overwhelming. Fortunately, we enjoyed ourselves anyway. The Falls themselves are incredible. And if you get a few miles away from them, you almost forget where you are. We especially enjoyed the Botanical Gardens and the Maid of the Mist, a boat that takes you extremely close the Falls (bring a raincoat!).

I suspect we will return sometime soon with Matthew. He was disappointed to be left behind this time around, and we want him to see the Falls and what a real tourist trap is like.

Niagara Pictures (click the thumbnails to view the enlarged photo)
We took some pic of the Falls at night, but they didn't turn out well We took some pic of the Falls at night, but they didn't turn out well Another night pic My lovely wife in front of the Falls (our day photos turned out better) Me in front of the Falls The Falls as seen from the Maid of the Mist

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