Camp Rotary (Clare, Michigan)
July 2004
July means only one thing for Boy Scout Troop 1085 and Matthew: Summer Camp at Camp Rotary,
a BSA camp located between Clare and Harrison. It was a fun week spent sleeping in army-style
tents (no zippers!?!), eating camp food, enjoying wholesome fun, and avoiding bugs,
Matt (and three others) completed the PATH program (which I'm told stands for "Probably
a Turtle House"), which included a five mile hike, another two mile hike with full packs, and
a lots of knot tying. It was hard work, but the boys learned a few things and complained very
little. The boys also got to do many fun things, too, like shoot rifles, play team-building games,
and go boating.
All the boys in our troop went fishing, sometimes from the shore and sometimes from rowboats.
Matt caught a fine bluegill, I caught a handful of bass
and sunfish, and Scout Josh caught a campout record 17 1/2 inch bass. The boys also caught
countless bugs and a nice garter snake (boys, of course, will be boys).
After camp, Matt and I headed up to Higgins Lake to visit with my good friend Julie MacArthur
(in from San Francisco) and her family (a fine bunch). Then we headed home, making a stop in Mt.
Pleasant and Central Michigan University, where Matt got to see the place where his parents
met, Barnes Hall (I married the girl next door).
Camp Rotary
(hold the cursor over the thumbnails for a brief photo description and click
once to view the enlarged photo)